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Department Services

Family Services
  • We collaborate and provide support to families in developing family goals and connecting families to available resources in the community.
  • We follow-up with families throughout the school year and connect families to available resources within the community.
  • We support families in successful transitions into the TK-8th grade school system and support families’ school readiness goals.
Disabilities Services
  • We actively recruit children with disabilities; it is our philosophy that all children benefit in a fully inclusive environment with children of all different types of abilities.
  • Parents are offered workshops on referrals, the IEP process, advocacy, support groups and strategies on how to help their children at home.
Mental Health Services
  • Our mental health professionals consults with staff and parents individually to address children's behavior and/or personal mental health related issues.
  • Mental health services are initiated through an in-house referral process.
  • Parenting classes and education are provided by the consultants to parents.
Education Services
Center-Based Programs:
  • We implement The Creative Curriculum for Preschool 5th Addition which is used to teach, design the environment and prepare children for school.
  • The educational needs of all children are met through teacher child interactions.
  • Weekly lesson plans are designed to follow the curriculum as well as integrate children's interest and parent's input.
Home-Based Programs:
  • We implement The Parents as Teachers Curriculum (PAT) which empowers parents to take an active role in children meeting developmental milestones and strengthens parenting skills.
  • Children and families participates in home-visits and group socialization's.
  • The educational needs of all children are met through teacher child interactions.
  • Including those with Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) and dual language learners.
Nutrition/Meal Services
  • Meal time is an extension of learning by modeling language, conversation, social interaction and introducing new foods.
  • A comprehensive, diverse and culturally inclusive program promoting healthy eating and physical activity for all students is provided.
  • The center is part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which provides free meals that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children. Full-day students are provided breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. All part-day students will receive a daily meal and snack.
  • All meals are provided by the El Monte City School District's Food Services Department. If your child requires a food accommodation due to an allergy, intolerance or special diet, please have your child's pediatrician complete the Medical Statement and Physician Authorization forms available online.
  • We offer vision, hearing and dental screenings for each child in our program to make sure all students are ready for a good "Head Start."
  • If your child does not have insurance coverage, we can help connect you with free physical exams, health care follow-ups and dental exams.
Parent Involvement 
  •  Parents are partners in planning and implementing activities for their child, family goals and program outcomes.
  • Parents are encourage to volunteer in the classroom, attend parent conferences, participate in parent workshops and become members of the Policy Committee.
  • The committee helps plan and develop goals for the program. It also shares decision-making responsibilities with the El Monte City School District Board of Education. 
  • At the end of the program school year, parents are recognized for the time invested in volunteering for the program in the Parent Recognition Event.