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Program Options

Center-Based Program Options

The center-based program serves children in a Head Start center five days per week. Class size ranges from 16-20 children per class. Our facilities are licensed by the State of California Department of Social Service. Copies of licenses can be viewed in all of our classrooms.

  • Part Day: This option operates either an AM or PM session for 3.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday. The free program runs September through mid-June. 
  • Full Day/ Part Year: This full day/ part year option offers a free center-based session of 6.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday for parents who work, are enrolled in school or job training or who are seeking employment. Operating months are August through mid-June.
  • Full Day/ Full Year: This full day/ full year option offers a center-based session of at least 6.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday for parents who work, are enrolled in school or job training or who are seeking employment. Operating months are July through June.
Early Head Start Center Based Options
  • Early Head Start: This full day/ full year option offers a center-based session of 6.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday.  Operating months are July through June. 

Home-Based Program Options

The home-based program is a unique program which offers families the opportunity to receive Early Head Start services in their home. This program provides support to families whose circumstances (schedule, transportation or location) might prevent them from participating in a structured classroom setting. The Early Head Start home visitor uses the home environment to help parents create a wonderful learning environment and readiness for school. 

  • Early Head Start provides home visits once a week for 1.5 hours, additionally, families and children gather twice a month for a socialization.  This program operates 12 months  a year.
School Sites:
Cherrylee-Part Day
Cortada-Full Day/Part Year
Gidley-Part Day
Jeff Seymour Family Center-Full Day/Part Year
LeGore-Full Day/Part Day
New Lexington-Full Day/Part Year
Potrero-Part Day
Rio Vista-Full Day/Full Year
Shirpser-Full Day/ Part Day
Wilkerson-Part Day