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DVL At-A-Glance

  • Teachers will post the lesson plans weekly on Class Dojo.  Teachers will post three learning activities that support school readiness per week on Class Dojo. Parents/guardians will be encouraged to continue engaging their children in learning activities in their home environment. These could include a video of the teachers reading a story and providing a follow-up activity, a link to a physical development video on youTube or a written lesson for parents and children to do together.  Once a week, there will be a virtual meeting using either Google Meet or Zoom, where all of the children in the class will have the opportunity to interact live with each other and their teacher.  There will also be one personal contact a week by the teacher to check in with the parent and child, offer support, and connect with the family. Teachers will follow up with the parent/guardian on children’s developmental progress and learning objectives towards school readiness.
  • Each child will receive a DVL Instructional Kit. DVL kits will address the five school readiness goals to support teaching and learning. Providing DVL Kits to each enrolled family will ensure they have the necessary supplies to participate in distance learning.  Instructions will be included in the kit to help the children and their caregivers complete daily lessons. The kit may contain items such as books, puzzles, crayons, paper, pencil box, pencils, pencil sharpener, glue stick, scissors, markers, bean bags, egg shaker, dry erase board and dry erase markers, sight words set, music and movement materials, mirrors, binoculars, and sensory, tools.
  • Teachers and service area department staff will support families during DVL time. The teacher will support families with tech support, answering questions about the DVL plan and any concerns about the child. The program will provide workshops/training specifically for parents at least once a month accessible via the internet.

Are there specific times to log in?  

Log in once a week on either google or zoom. The teacher will reach out to all of the families to schedule a time to connect weekly. The live group meeting will be on the same day and time each week.

How long will children need to be logged in?

Children will start out logging in for a short amount of time, and as the year progresses, the group time may be extended to meet the children’s attention spans and needs.  It is developmentally appropriate for preschool children to have an attention span of around 10 minutes at the beginning of the school year. The teachers will observe how the sessions are going and adapt accordingly.

Will families be provided electronic devices to access Class Dojo and Zoom and or Google Meet?  

While devices and internet hot spots are not available right now, the department plans to provide these to families who need them to connect with their teacher and engage in DVL successfully.   

How soon will teachers be reaching out to the families?  

The teacher will reach out to their families during the first week of school to set up regular meetings, provide support, and make connections with the families.  

What Apps will parents be using?  

Class Dojo, Zoom and Google Meet  

What will be provided to parents? 

Parents will receive a DVL Kit (see above), support and resources from all service areas, a virtual orientation (link will be distributed via email and text) and if needed a device and hot spot to use to access DVL.

What if my child can’t sit still for the duration of the live lesson?  

It’s okay if your child doesn’t sit right in front of the screen the whole time.  Teachers understand that each child may have a different attention span.  It is not required that your child sit right in front of the screen and interact the whole time.  If your child is listening to the teacher from another space in the room, that’s okay. It will take some time for all of us to get used to this new way of learning.

What if my child finished all of the work and we want to do more?  

We have awesome teachers who will provide extra activities as needed, and will meet the families and children where they are at.  

Is my child eligible for Head Start? What about Early Head Start?

In general, eligibility is based on family income and the age of your child. Early Head Start is for children birth to age three. Head Start is for children ages three to five years. Families who are experiencing homelessness, receiving SSI or TANF, or have children in foster care are also eligible.


Are children in foster care eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start?

Yes! Children in foster care are eligible, regardless of family income.

Does Head Start and Early Head Start accept children with disabilities or special needs?

Yes, we do! We know that all children deserve a Head Start. Our agencies are required to have a certain number of students enrolled that have an individual education plan (IEP) or an individual family service plan (IFSP).


What if my income level is too high?

Good news! When available, Head Start programs can enroll a limited number of children whose families are above the income guidelines. Talk to your local program to see if your child is eligible.

What are my other options if my child is ineligible?

The Child Care Aware program can help you locate other child care services in your community. You can contact them directly at 800-424-2246 or visit www.childcareaware.org.


How can I get involved with Head Start and Early Head Start?

Head Start and Early Head Start programs welcome and encourage parents and families to get involved in their child’s education. 


What is the difference between California State Preschool Program and Head Start?

The difference between California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and Head Start is how services are funded. Funding for CSPP comes from the State of California, while Head Start receives funding from the U.S. Federal Government.